Tuesday, June 15, 2010


What is the first thing that comes into your mind as you say I'm Alive.... ???? Maybe the answer is I'm Living... This is true that we all are Alive , but are we actually living ? The truth is that the majority of us are Living , but we are Living Dead...

This blog is in support for women liberation.. Why is it important for us ?? What is liberation ? It may be freedom ?? In short the meaning here is to be free from your own state of mind. The mind that creates emotions , fear , agony , hatred , insecurity, state of problems . All these can be transformed into peace, happiness , joy , abundance , etc..

In simple words , be yourself and not act to be what others expect you to be !! I'm Alive is all about feeling good about yourself , feeling confident about yourself , feeling happiness within , and more importantly to be able to love and respect yourself first...

The journey begins today , and each step that we take , is a step of progression . We need to progress in life and as we do that then only are we able to help our fellow beings to progress in life.....